About Me

A first time mum blogging the journey.

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

I am so excited for Poppy's first Christmas and our first Christmas as a family.  For all those reading this blog have a very merry Christmas from Poppy.  I hope your little one enjoys all the festivities and Santa brings them everything they wished for!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Thinking about breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is its own journey.  Just as you think you have cracked it your baby will surprise you. I am still exclusively breastfeeding my baby girl at five months old.  I had always intended to breastfeed her for at least six months, but now I can't imagine giving up so soon.  Once you get the hang of it feeding your baby it is one of the best and most magical parts of being a mother.  Bottle feeding was once very empowering for women allowing them to work and have children and also keep their breasts just for them, however I feel very empowered breastfeeding.  Only I can feed my baby and I am feeding her in the best and most natural way for her.  If you are set on bottle feeding I think you need to do what is right for you and what you feel most comfortable with but I urge you to give breastfeeding a go, you might surprise yourself.  Formula is a perfectly adequate alternative to baby's natural milk but its certainly not as equally good as breast milk.  The closeness you get while nursing your baby is indescribable and it creates an extremely strong bond between you and your baby.  Breastfeeding does mean that you will be with you baby all the time (unless you express milk) but this is a great thing.  It increases your bond and allows your baby to form a secure attachment to you, she will feel safe with you and will be comforted by you.  

In addition to bonding there are many health reasons for breastfeeding although I will not list all these as they are easily available in pregnancy books.  Essentially you will be giving you baby the best start by giving them protection against infection.  A great benefit for you is that you will lose pregnancy weight very quickly as it burns 500 calories a day and it stimulates your uterus to contact more quickly.  Your milk also will adjust to make the exact amount for you baby, you are in sync.  As you baby requires more milk, your body will make it.  Supply and demand.    

It probably sounds like breastfeeding has been easy for me and that I have found it all very natural, however like everyone else I have suffered sore nipples, blocked ducts, difficulty latching and nursing strikes.  My upcoming challenge is the arrival of Poppy's upper front teeth!  Just because you are a women does not mean you know the first thing about feeding and nor does you baby.  You learn together.  I assure you it gets easier, persevere it is worth it for you and your baby.

If you decided to breastfeed I will be writing a post full of tips and advice for those who have begun the breastfeeding journey.  If you are deciding to bottle feed I recommend trying to make up a bottle and making sure you have all your equipment ready before the baby comes, you will have to be extra organised but your partner will be able to help feed your baby giving you a little extra well deserved rest.  You will love seeing your baby getting chunkier by the day.  Good luck ladies and please send any questions you may have. 

Thursday 20 December 2012

Caring for yourself after birth.

This one is for the ladies......

My midwife told me that the energy used during birth is the same as running a marathon, except you don't get to train.  In a way pregnancy does the opposite.  Although it prepares your body so that it can physically delivery a baby, it also leaves you tired and with all sorts of aches and pains.  Even straight forward births are exhausting and many women suffer tears which need to be stitched up.  My forceps delivery left me very bruised and also left a very painful graze.  The episiotomy I had was stitched up and this too left me very sore.  I couldn't stand or sit for two weeks and the healing process took months.  It took me nine months to make a baby thus I believe it will take at least that time to reverse the changes to my body.  After the birth of your baby you will also lose lochia (bleeds after birth), which can last up to six weeks.  Thus you need to wear maternity pads which can be quite uncomfortable with stitches.  With blood loss you will experience period like cramps as your uterus contracts back to its normal size.

So, where to start!?  Firstly make sure you have the house ready for the arrival of your little one to make caring for your baby as easy as possible.  Make sure you stock up on maternity pads as you will use around 24 a day for the first few days.  I had to send my partner out to Boots as I underestimated how many I would need.  No man likes to be sent to Boots to acquire such items! 

Make sure you keep all your maternity wear and comfortable clothes ready for when you return home.  You will be very uncomfortable for a while and will want loose pants.  Your tummy will still be quite big because your uterus is still large, it will also be very loose as your stomach muscle will have torn with the weight of your bump.  Your tummy will naturally shrink back to its original size as your uterus contracts back.  Your tummy muscle needs time to heal so don't do any exercise, especially sit-ups until at least six weeks after birth.  I suggest waiting longer then this.  In fact I still haven't started any exercise (five months on) as I am waiting until I feel ready.  Doing sit ups before you muscle has had time to heal can inhibit the healing process.  My Doctor recommended breathing in and pulling my tummy muscle in, holding for ten seconds then releasing.  The is a gentle but effective exercise.  

It's very important to ensure your stitches (if you've had any) don't become infected.  Your midwife will visit you and check your stitches for you.  I recommend having lots of warm baths, in fact a warm bath is good for most of the after effects of birth.  Don't put any bath bombs or bubble bath in.  Some midwives recommend salt baths or adding some lavender oil to help the healing process.  Make sure you gentle pat dry the stitches with a towel.  It's important to keep the area clean and dry.  Another remedy for all the bruising is arnica.  It is a natural aid for bruising and can be bought at your local pharmacy.

Keep taking pain killers as often as required even if breastfeeding.  My midwife said to take both ibuprofen and paracetamol every 4 hours or so.  It will seem like a lot but slowly you will soon need them less and less.  It really takes the edge off at night and helps you get a little sleep.   Sleep in itself it so important for new mums.  You need to be on top form to take care of a new born baby.  Check out my post on co-sleeping (Sleeping lions) as I think it can be key if you are struggling to get sleep with a newborn.  

If sitting down is very sore a blow up ring cushion can ease the pain, especially if you have visitors round.  If you are exclusively breast feeding then try a laying down feed position.  This position means you can lay in bed, much more comfortable. 

The most important thing to remember is that you will feel better and the pain will ease. I remember feeling like the pain and discomfort would never end but by two weeks I was sitting down and no longer taking any pain relief.  You will soon begin to fully enjoy motherhood and caring for your baby. 

Monday 17 December 2012

Sleeping Lions.

Ok I will admit it..... Poppy sleeps in our bed.  This goes against all health visitor advice and she does in fact sleep happily in her cot, So why do it?  The reason is that it feels like the most natural thing in the world.  It still is the most normal practice in many parts of the world.  I feel like a sleepy pride of lions, the big lazy papa lion on the end.  The little sleeping cub surrounded by the protective mama lioness.  Co-sleeping has an added bonus for breastfeeding mums in that they can feed their baby in bed, even laying down! I simply feed Poppy laying down when she stirs in the night which is much more relaxing for both of us and Dad can sleep undisturbed.  People  say that its a bad habit to break however I think this is a very Victorian view (along with self soothing). It's important to do what ever feels right and works for you and your baby because every baby is very different.

It is important to note however that co-sleeping is not safe if you have been drinking, taking drugs or smoking.  It is also best to do a little research to find the safest way to do it, but trust me mums, you will not roll on to your baby.  

There are many benefits of co-sleeping, including bonding and emotional development of your baby.  Your baby may also learn how to fall asleep by themselves when close to you. Mums and babies will naturally roll towards each other when its cold and roll away from each other when its hot.  I think the biggest benefit is the peaceful environment it can bring as opposed to pacing up and down the stairs in the middle of the night trying to get your baby back to sleep. 

If your baby sleeps fine in her cot and is a good littler sleeper I don't suggest changing your routine unless you specifically want to co-sleep but for new parents I urge you to keep this in the back of your mind as an alternative to try if you are very tired and having sleepless nights. It could be the answer for you.  This might be especially important for colicky babies which need extra comfort

Finally, if you are very tired and up a lot in the night it's important to understand that it's very dangerous to fall asleep with your baby in a chair or on the sofa.  Lots of people do this because they are told not to sleep with their baby in their bed which is a great shame.

I love waking up to see Poppy's bright smile looking up at me. 

Claim a FREE stage 1 weaning sample!

For those about to start weaning your baby and are looking for a few handy sachets for the store cupboard, claim a free Stage 1 sample from Plum at the link below by simply filling in your details!

Friday 14 December 2012

Poppy's Poncho.

My grandma is the most amazing knitter and after having found out I was pregnant has been knitting for Poppy non stop. She is also an extremely stylish and modern woman and so this isn't just old fashioned knitting. I just had to share the latest item in Poppy's 'Winter Collection', a baby poncho, t bag hat and matching booties! She is very a la mode!

Poppy outside Santa's Grotto!

All tuckered out!  
If you want to try this knitting pattern for yourself follow the link below:

Thursday 13 December 2012

The Pram.

This pram has passed down the family and we now use it at Poppy's Grandparents house for her to sleep in.  It bounces her to sleep so easily and when she stirs it rocks from side to side and so soothes her back to sleep.

Daddy rocking the pram.
Sleeping beauty.

I would love to see some more vintage prams if anyone has any!

A Winter Walk.

Going out by yourself with the pram can be quite difficult at first, especially if breastfeeding.  Everyone tells you to get out and about, but it's harder said than done!  Make sure you have a changing bag and supplies ready by the door, then it's all about timing!  I get myself ready while Poppy is in her cot with her mobile on I also get the pram set up.  Then all I have to do is pop her in the pramsuit and go.  Some babies cry when in the pram.  Try to look your baby in the eye and sing to them to reassure them.  If they continue to cry, stop the pram, pick them up and give them a cuddle, when they have stopped crying pop them back down again.  The more you go out for walks the better your baby will be in the pram.   

All snug in her pramsuit.
The bright light and fresh air tends to send babies off to sleep, so if you're having trouble getting your baby to sleep, try a nice walk together.  It also starts to help burn off some of that post pregnancy weight!      

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Baby Cake.

A friend made this beautiful baby cake for us when Poppy was born.  It certainly made that first week of motherhood even sweeter!

Back to Basics - Caring for a one week old.

Caring for a newborn baby can be daunting.  That first night at home brings all sorts of emotions.  Whilst in the hospital you have midwives to help you with your baby.  Once you're home its down to you to figure it out and your journey into parenthood begins.  

Try to get as many supplies as you can before the baby is due; nappies, wipes, baby clothes etc..  I recommend distributing nappies, muslins and wipes around the house so that they are always handy.  I bought little baskets and boxes which I store all her changing equipment in, and keep them in different rooms.  If you are bottle feeding, get everything ready and make sure you know how to sterilise and make up a bottle, you will need to be even more organised now that bottles have to be made up one at a time.  For mums planning on breastfeeding you are the supply!  I will do a separate post on my experience of breastfeeding with some tips, lets call it a survival guide.

A baby brings a lot more laundry into your life, a little less, now that we have disposable nappies than previously, but still a lot to cope with on top of caring for a newborn baby. Firstly it is important to use a non-biological washing detergent for baby clothes.  This is because babies skin can be sensitive.  Also I recommend a sensitive fabric conditioner such as Fairy.  Make sure you wash all your babies clothes and blankets before using them.  Lots of baby clothes are white, to keep them white dry outside on the line as much as possible.  I have found that most things wash out......eventually.  

When you first bring your baby home you will notice that they sleep a lot.  Sleep is important for their development.  Some babies need more help to get to sleep than others, the same as adults.  Getting the temperature right can be key to getting a baby to sleep, it is also very important that your baby doesn't over heat.  The temptation is to swaddle babies in lots of warm layers.  They only need one more layer than you.  You can check a baby's temperature by touching the back of their neck.  Do not worry if their hands and feet feel cool, this is normal.  Babies should be placed with their feet at the foot of the cot, this ensure they do not wriggle underneath their blanket.  Ideally they should be placed on their back.  Poppy has slept on her front since she was only a few days old, she loves being on her front.  She could however lift her head very well from the day she was born.  After a few nervous days of her sleeping on her front we decided to go against the health visitors recommendation and let her sleep how she wanted.  Now that she can roll over she always rolls onto her front anyway.  

Sleep pods are very common now because babies cannot move down under them like blankets.  You can get summer and winter ones.  We have tried them on and off and found them useful but not essential.  

When Poppy was first born I used to put her to sleep in a moses basket and keep her downstairs with me.  We don't have any pets so didn't have to worry about leaving her alone in a room.  If you have dogs and cats, make sure your baby is never left alone with them.  Cats love to snuggle up next to a warm baby, who can blame them!  Although a moses basket can't be used forever I would highly recommend them and they make a beautiful storage piece in the baby's nursery (Check out my post on Poppy's nursery).

My parents cat Stanley looking at Poppy longingly!
When Poppy was first born it would take me forever to dress her!  You are so careful to begin with and its very hard to pull a wriggling baby's arm through a sleeve.  Don't worry you will get the hang of it very soon.  When dressing a baby start with a clean nappy, followed by a vest if it is chilly, then a baby grow or outfit.  By layering up this way it means baby is nice and warm and if you need to you can easily take a layer off.  If you are planning to take your baby out in the pram during winter, pramsuits are great, they keep your baby's hands and feet nice and snug.  Babies don't like to stay put under blankets!  Poppy falls asleep very quickly in a pramsuit probably because it is so cosy.  

I'm in here somewhere mum!
Changing nappies is not as bad as its made out to be, especially if your baby is breastfed because the baby poo doesn't smell.  You need to change a lot of nappies to begin with (every few hours) so it is worth buying a good changing mat and getting some old towels.   We used to change nappies over the bed, this led to back ache and the odd accident on our white sheets!  I recommend kneeling on the floor over a changing mat.  First put a towel on the changing mat,  then remove the dirty nappy and place in a nappy sack.  Clean your baby either using wipes or warm water and cotton wool.  Baby lotion and cotton wool is also useful.  If your baby has any nappy rash then apply some nappy ointment straight away, it can also be used as a preventative too.  I use Bepanthen nappy ointment,  it's a little more expensive but lasts a long time and really does the trick. 

Bathing your baby is not necessary everyday.  We didn't give Poppy a bath until she was a week old.  Traditionally babies were bathed everyday and were even given a bath in the hospital.  Nowadays its not considered necessary, in fact it can dry babies skin out. Until you are ready to give your baby a full bath, all you need to do is top and tail with warm water and cotton wool.  It is best to used cooled boiled water.  Wipe each eye with a separate cotton wool.  Wipe behind the ears, round the mouth and in the neck.  Then clean baby's lower half.  Make sure you dry your baby thoroughly otherwise their little creases can get sore.  Babies have a little stump where the umbilical cord used to be, this will drop off after a few days don't worry about washing it, just check it looks clean.  

The most important thing out bathing a baby is getting the temperature of the water correct.  The water needs warm but not hot, which you can check with your elbow.  Also make sure the room is nice and warm and that you have a warm towel ready.  It goes without saying to to never leave your baby in the bath, if someone knocks at the door, ignore it.  We decided to buy a bath seat for Poppy and it has been fantastic.  We have a very small cottage so didn't want to buy a baby bath as it would take up room.  Leaning over the bath really hurts your back, which is the last thing you need after pregnancy so the bath seat (also called bath support) was perfect.  Poppy has always loved the water so baths have always been such an enjoyable experience.  

For mums and dads with babies who don't like the water try introducing it a little at a time.  Just wash their head first, then baby's bottom.  Don't put your baby fully in the water.  I also recommend singing to your baby.  Poppy always listens to me avidly, she is my biggest fan!  Keep eye contact so they know there is nothing to be afraid of.  

When you take your baby out of the bath be sure to wrap them up straight away to stop them getting cold.  I use a little talc to make sure she is completely dry, and get a towel in those creases (of which there are many!).  Poppy hates being dressed so I put a Winnie the Pooh video on to distract her.  Distraction is key with a lot of these tasks!  It took me weeks to bath Poppy by myself, I always used to get my partner to lift her out the bath for me.  At first one of us would always sit in the bath with her for extra comfort.  I have to say bath time is great, I treasure every one of them.

Well done, you've made it through your first week!  This truly is the hardest part.  Everyday gets a little easier as your confidence grows and and your bond with your baby gets stronger.

If you have any more specific questions on looking after your baby be sure to comment or e-mail (abigailworthington1989@googlemail.com).  From sore nipples and difficulty latching to crying babies and trouble sleeping!  

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Recycle your baby clothes!

Check out this blog post below.  A lovely idea using old baby clothes you just can't quite get rid of!

This day I love.......: Cushions: A few weeks ago I nervously parcelled up my precious baby clothes and sent them away.  I wondered for ages if I had done the right thing an...

Monday 10 December 2012

Not all pregnancies are perfect.

Listening to BBC Radio 2 today has inspired this post on how not all pregnancies are easy. Today, Jeremy Vine has been talking about difficult pregnancies and the guilt many women feel about not enjoying pregnancy.  'Royal morning sickness' has been the trigger of this discussion and as we have all seen in the news the Duchess has been suffering from severe morning sickness.

There is a lot of media portrayal of blooming pregnant women.  Celebrities out and about in heels when 40 weeks pregnant, glowing and looking glamorous.  Lets face it, no body wants to hear you moan at the best of times, and when you are pregnant there is a lot to moan about.  We are in an age where women do it all; work and have children, that alone is a lot of pressure.  I think a lot of women feel they have to do both perfectly to justify working, i.e they need to cope with both to prove they deserve to be at work too.  In my posts on the three trimesters I covered some of the discomforts I faced, such as backache, heartburn, swollen feet and queasiness.  During the second trimester, women are supposed to enter the elusive glowing phase of pregnancy, when morning sickness has finished and your body has adjusted to being pregnant.  This glowing phase is in fact due to having more blood in your body, giving you glowing red cheeks.  It is true morning sickness usually comes to an end, thus you feel a lot better.  My second trimester was plagued by severe backache, it wasn't until the baby had dropped down near the end of pregnancy that backache ended and I felt energetic, blooming and happy.

Glowing or ghastly?

The most important thing you can do during pregnancy is take care of yourself, by taking care of yourself you are taking care of your baby.  My partner would bring me fruit first thing in the morning and weird pregnancy cravings last thing at night (I ate a lot of gherkin sandwiches!).  He helped me carry things that were heavy.  Encouraged me to nap. All in all he was the biggest support I had.  It's important to talk to people when you are pregnant, especially your partner, family and friends.  Tell them how you are feeling, physically and emotionally.  Get help with housework and shopping bags, tell employers if you have morning sickness and most importantly tell your midwife any discomforts you may have.  

Every pregnancy is different.  Just because you had some discomforts with one pregnancy doesn't mean it will be the same with another.  If your first pregnancy is putting you off having another baby, try talking to your Doctor.

At the risk of this sounding a bit gloomy I must say some women thrive off pregnancy and have very positive birth experiences.  I think how you deal with pregnancy is partly to do with your situation and state of mind, however when it comes down to it some women are just lucky!  If you are one of the lucky ones let me know, I love to hear  positive pregnancy stories.  

One of the positives from my pregnancy was the baby moving.  It felt very empowering feeling this tiny person connected to me, inside me.  This kicking was only for me.  Sometimes I would be talking to someone and could feel the baby moving inside.  You get used to this feeling and often acknowledge it but say nothing.

Everyone has heard of post-natal depression, however pre-natal depression is also very common and just as serious.  It is quite isolating being pregnant, you have a rush of new hormones and it's a very difficult journey.  Nine months of constant change.  This can lead to feelings of depression.  This is why it is important to talk to people while you are pregnant, a lot of women feel the same way, you are not alone.  

I guess the real point of this post is that pregnancy is hard.  Bloody hard.  But how could something so amazing happen without a little struggle? And.....it is oh so worth it.          

Sunday 9 December 2012

Elephant baby grow.

I love my Cath Kidston baby grow!  We wanted to buy at least one very special looking baby grow and we found this lovely elephant print one from Cath Kidston.  It fits Poppy perfectly and the poppers are only around the legs so do not dig in when she is lying down.  It is a snug fit so would recommend getting a size bigger for those lovely chunky babies out there.  

Follow the link below to find this baby grow:

Today's thought.

Jumping ahead a little to today.  I am addicted to her cheeks.  I can't stop kissing them.  Baby cheeks are absolutely delicious.  Last week it was all about her chunky thighs.  This week its all about her droopy cheeks.  I love being a mum.  Here are a few 'cheeky' shots.....

Saturday 8 December 2012

After the birth.

My partner called his mum, she was on the train, 'she's here' he said, she could hear Poppy crying in the background, she also started to cry.  He then called my parents and arranged for them all to come and visit a few hours later.

Luckily I was still numb, so was in no pain, however I was extremely exhausted and dehydrated.  The nurses started caring for me straight away.  I was given a drip to recover fluids.  They put pads underneath me to contain the lochia (blood loss after birth) and checked my blood pressure.  The nurses bring you endless amounts of painkillers on request and continue to monitor you closely. They also check your stitches (if you've had any) and try to encourage you to breastfeed.  Breastfeeding was always part of my plan.  My mum breastfed me and so I wanted to breastfeed my baby.  It also gave me lots of skin to skin contact with Poppy.  

First moments.
My parents and brother arrived along with my partner's mum.  They all had a cuddle.  They were shocked to see the forcep marks on her face, don't worry these fade very quickly and leave no lasting mark.  

The proud Grandparents.
While they were there Poppy had her first nappy change.  My partner did nappy duties as I was still immobile and all went well.  The first of many!  Visiting hours came to a close and we were alone.  That night was very surreal.  The afterpains of birth really set in and so did tiredness, however mother duties began right away and I was feeding her every few hours in the night.  Every time she cried my partner would pick her up and pass her to me.  She would nurse and fall asleep on me, I had to fight tiredness and make sure I didn't fall asleep too.  We would then put her back next to the bed.  Partners are now allowed to stay for one night in the hospital with you, however they have to sleep in a chair next to you (not very comfortable).  I don't know what I would have done without him.  A couple of hours sleep and morning had come.  Poppy had been very peaceful all in all.  The baby opposite us cried the entire night, she was having trouble breastfeeding.  We felt calm in comparison.  

The next morning breakfast and tea was bought round and a nurse came to help me try and walk.  Once I managed to get up and walk my partner helped me shower.  You take the baby with you, wheel her in asleep.  The first shower is scary.  Your body feels and looks alien. A hot shower always has the affect of making you feel better, it was a relief to feel human again.

Cuddles after my shower.
My partner popped home, had lunch with his mum and got a few things.  I was left alone with the baby for the first time.  Lunch was brought round and placed at the end of my bed, it took me about 15 minutes to get up and walk over to it.  I felt very helpless.  Luckily Poppy didn't wake up.  My partner returned.  I had survived our first alone time.  It made me think about when my partner returned to work in two weeks.

We had visitors again.  This time my partner's mum stayed with us until we left the hospital.  Before you leave, they like to check you have established feeding, can walk and wee and have given you information on feeding, contraception and caring for a baby.  We did the checklist.  I didn't feel ready to go home as I didn't really feel like I could walk or sit down however everyone could care for me better at home.  I was  really worried about having to get up stairs  but you have to go home sometime.  Quite a few hours later we left the hospital, packed up the car and drove home.  Poppy looked tiny in her car seat.  It looked very unnatural seeing her in a seated position so young.  You soon get used to car seats.  We arrived home.  My partner's mum stayed over, ready to help, a transition stage from full time hospital help to being alone at home.  The night was another blur of feeding, trying not to fall asleep with her in the chair, pain, painkillers, nappy changes.  Still Poppy seemed very calm and content.  Having help that first night really allowed my partner to catch up on sleep and then in turn be more help to me the next few nights.  Never underestimate how much help your family will give you.  

The next day my partner's mum left and we were alone, the three of us, a family.


Friday 7 December 2012

A new addition to the nursery - Lambskin!

A friend bought us this very unique gift when Poppy was born, a natural lambskin baby rug.  Lambskin has many benefits, it is kind to babies skin, hygienically clean, absorbs moisture and is anti-bacterial.  It also regulates temperature and provides reassurance, soothing baby, they are proven to help babies sleep. The second time I put Poppy down to play on her rug she fell asleep!  Perhaps a rug like this could be a natural way to soothe babies with colic.  

Poppy chilling on her rug.  

The lambskin can be machine washed and tumble dried, so very easy to clean.  This means its also very practical for mums and dads!  

For those worried about ethics, the lambskin is sourced from lambs used for meat, thus the lamb is not just used for it's skin.  It is also worth having a good look around for the right lambskin, as it needs to be made safe for baby.  I recommend the lambskins from Gabe and Grace, check out the link below:

If any other mums or dad have a lambskin rug let me know if your baby enjoys it!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Baby Bath Bombs!

It's hard to find any unique Christmas gifts for babies and your house can be quickly filled with too many flashing toys and funny looking teethers.  So I thought these baby bath bombs from Lush were so great I had to share them!  Follow the link below to go to the Lush website:

They are called Ickle Baby Bots and are shaped like little robots.  They claim to 'soothe your baby’s bott with our Baby Bot'.  They contain lavender which can help to induce sleep and calm your baby.  They are £1.90 each and bright blue so nice and colourful for baby. 

Poppy will definitely be putting a few of these on her Christmas list!

Let me know if anyone has tried these, feedback would be great.

My Baby's Nursery.

A sneak peak into Poppy's nursery.... Ssshh baby sleeping.

A girl has got to have her own wardrobe.
One of Grandma's lovely knitted cardigans.

A little chair for the little one.

When Poppy was first born we put her to sleep in this beautiful moses basket, which I would carry round the house to keep her close to me.  No need for baby monitors that way.  I loved it so much that I have put it in her nursery and use it to store clean blankets, muslins, vest and babygrows in.  You use them so frequently there is no need to worry about dust and they are always handy.

A friend stitched Poppy's name is to this cuddly little fella .

The nursery has an elephant and mouse theme.  

Poppy's unusual friend.

You soon begin to remember all the nursery rhymes from your childhood.